scrip version

nah ini buat teman-teman OP semuanya aku posting dikit nih,, tentang scrip versien tapi kayaknya udah pada paham ya?? gak apalah untuk yang blm paham aja deh, gini nih caranya...
;... if you dont wanna read... TYPE /cversion

;Sorry people if my sloppy coding caused any trouble to you :(
;Hopefully I wont burn in hell for this...

;# #
;# no-DLLs Scripted version changer :) #
;# version: 1.1.2f build 20040326 #
;# #
;# No I dont hate DLLs, I was just kidding. I did this for the fun of it :) #
;# #
;# Author: Spion (Yes, my mail changed, again) #
;# You can find me on Undernet #mirc #
;# #

;thx : tabo, for the aIRC's l33t versions.txt file
; expl0rer & freeksho, for testing
; Sais, zack^, Ymar, tidy_trax for help in fixing that damn bug.

;changes : 26/03/2004 -
;1) Fixed the nasty timer bug that allowed people to exploit
; If you still like vchanger after all the fiasco, please
; upgrade URGENTLY.

;changes : 27/09/2002 -
;1) Nasty dialog bug fixed (ugh :/)
;2) Some stuff optimized.

;changes : 10/09/2002 -
;1) Minor multi-server problem fixed, thanks to freeksho :)

;changes : 28/08/2002 -
;1) Big changes. Some scripters using this addon might kill me ;)
; Now you use identifiers which return the
; target/channel/nick/fulladdress/connection ID. Here they are :
; $ $vc.nick $vc.fulladdress and $vc.cid ... I think its
; enough ;) Dunno if the cid one is needed tho. For examples scroll
; to line 220 or something like that.
;2) Fixed all the ignores bug (I hope.) You still cannot ignore
; *!*@* tho. :/
;3) It asks you if you want a popup when you load it :)

;changes : 17/02/2002 -
;1) its now removing ":"
;2) optimized, dialog-ed, popup added
;3) ignore and windows bugs fixed,
;4) changed "motfv" with "vchanger"


;on *:SIGNAL:newctcp: {
; respond-to-ctcps
; where $1- contains the CTCP text
; and instead using $nick $chan $cid etc like in a normal CTCP, you use :
; $ $vc.nick $vc.chan $vc.fulladdress and $vc.cid

;or just change the next line...
alias my-new-version-reply return Jedirc v1.0 on (NokiaN97-1/5.0737.3.0.1 )

;Or, just type /cversion

;Note that ALL CTCPs are ignored, so you will have to script ctcps
;using this new SIGNAL event. Read below for more info

;type "/vchanger 1" to enable it (use 0 or no parameters to disable)

;new: Ive just tested it, its pretty fast on my PII 450 (I can't even notice the difference)
;CTCP ignores should work fine, I did a workarround to make it possible :)
;But... the standard CTCP replies are disabled, you will have to recode
;them to SIGNAL events.

;Allright, here is the code.


on *:LOAD: {
echo -a *** Version changer addon loaded.
echo -a *** Read vchanger.txt for more info.
var %q = $input(Would you like a popup to the menubar? Youll have to type /cversion if you dont add it,40)
if (%q == $yes) {
vchanger.s popup 1


alias new-version-reply {
if ($vchanger.s(random)) return $read($+(",$scriptdiraIRCversions.txt,"))
else { return $iif($vchanger.s(version),$ifmatch,$my-new-version-reply) }

#ondisconnectnstart on
; Makes sure it doesnt get disabled:
.timer -io 1 0 vchanger 1
scid $cid .debug off
window -c $+(@verch.,$cid)
; Makes sure it runs on start
on *:START:{ vchanger 1 | vchanger.s -s }
#ondisconnectnstart end

alias vchanger.s {
if (!$hget(vchanger.s)) { hmake vchanger.s 10 | .timer 1 0 vchanger.s myown 1 }
if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdirvchanger.dat,"))) && ($hget(vchanger.s,myown) == $null) {
hload -bo vchanger.s $+(",$scriptdirvchanger.dat,")
if (!$1) return 1
if ($isid) return $hget(vchanger.s,$$1)
else {
if ($1 == -s) hsave -bo vchanger.s $+(",$scriptdirvchanger.dat,")
else { hadd vchanger.s $$1 $2- }

alias vchanger {
; if the first parameter exists and is not "0" ...
if ($1) {
; see above.
.enable #ondisconnectnstart
; Activate the timer that checks for queued CTCPs.
; You can modify the timer time, but I think 300 miliseconds is ok.
.timer..vchanger -iom 0 300 vchanger.checkctcps
else {
.disable #ondisconnectnstart
.timer..vchanger off
var %cid = 1, %cid.cnt = 0
if (!$scid(0)) return
while (%cid.cnt < $scid(0)) {
if ($scid(%cid)) { inc %cid.cnt
; turns off DEBUG and ignores for all connections.
; Yes, we /ignore everything and monitor raw server data,
; thats how we get CTCPs, but not reply versions.
scid %cid
.debug off
.ignore -rtw *!*@*
window -c $+(@verch.,%cid)
inc %cid

on *:UNLOAD: {
; In case you load this as an addon (Id rather say its a snippet)
; we need to make sure it doesnt do bad stuff after beeing unload.
.remove $scriptdirvchanger.dat
hfree -w vchanger.s
echo -s *** Unloaded the version changer addon.

alias vchanger.ignore {
; This alias is a trick to keep the normal ignore list avaible, while active the *!*@*
; CTCP ignore that we set, and still keep an eye the other ignores when checking for queued CTCPs
; It temporarly unignores *!*@* and it sets a fast timer to turn it back ON, then returns the normal
; ignore as it would appear if we dont have a *!*@* ignore. Cool eh? :)
if ($ignore(*!*@*)) { .ignore -rtw *!*@* | .timer 1 0 scid $cid .ignore -tw *!*@* | return $ignore($1-).type }
else { return $ignore($1-).type }

; This alias checks for queued CTCPs

alias vchanger.checkctcps {
var %cid = 1, %cid.cnt = 0, %tmpwin, %i, %line, %ctcp, %addr, %verch
;If we are not connected to a server, why check stuff ? :)
if (!$scid(0)) return
%cid.cnt = $scon(0)
.ignore -tw *
while (%cid.cnt) {
%cid = $scon(%cid.cnt)
dec %cid.cnt
if ($scid(%cid)) {
; If the window that fills with queues (each network has its own) is not opens it
if (!$window($+(@verch.,%cid))) {
window -h $+(@verch.,%cid)
scid %cid .debug $+(@verch.,%cid)
; make sure debug is on for the network... and *!*@* ctcp ignore is on
%verch = @verch. $+ %cid
%i = 1
;now, we check all queued lines in the window...
while ($line(%verch,%i)) {
tokenize 32 $ifmatch
; ... and if any of these is 1) recieved by the server
; 2) ctcp (contains PRIVMSG and $chr(1) ...
if ($1 == <-) && ($3 == PRIVMSG) && (** iswm $left($5,2)) && ( == $right($gettok($1-,-1,32),1)) {
%ctcp = $remove($5-,)
%addr = $remove($2,:)
; ... but not an ACTION - and there is noone in the ignore list matching the address...
if (*ctcp* !iswm $vchanger.ignore(%addr)) && (*ACTION !iswm $gettok(%ctcp,1,32)) {
; ... sends a NEWCTCP signal :) with the parameter ctcptext
;ok, people might kill me for using /set, BUT ITS NO BIGGIE. :D
;These are the variables for the temp. storage of what the identifiers should return.
set -u0 %vchanger.cid %cid
set -u0 %vchanger.fulladdress $mid($2,2)
set -u0 %vchanger.nick $gettok(%vchanger.fulladdress,1,$asc(!))
set -u0 $4
scid %cid
.signal -n newctcp $mid(%ctcp,2)
inc %i
;Clears the queue: we dont want to check the same lines again.
clear %verch
elseif ($window($+(@verch.,%cid))) { window -c $+(@verch.,%cid) }
;If we got disconnected from the server, we should close the unneeded queue window! :)

; Yoll need these when you script ctcps For example $vc.chan will return the channel where
; the /ctcp went. :D I'm thinking of alias -l to convert them to $chan $target $nick
; $fulladdress and $cid ... and to make them 100% compatible with your normal CTCP events.
; I'm even thinking of a script convertor which will convert all your CTCP events to
; NEWSIGNAL events, and yes, also convert-back the NEWCTCP to CTCP ;)

alias vc.chan return $iif( ischan,
alias return
alias vc.nick return %vchanger.nick
alias vc.fulladdress return %vchanger.fulladdress
alias vc.cid return %vchanger.cid

;Well, I did it for you, you dont need to script the version reply and other stuff :

alias -l vc.void
on *:SIGNAL:newctcp: {
;Mom told me not to mess with timers, but I never listened :(
;Fixed that damn bug.
if ($timer(.CR)) return
else {
if (VERSION == $1) .ctcpreply $vc.nick VERSION $new-version-reply
if (PING == $1) .ctcpreply $vc.nick PING $2-
if (TIME == $1) .ctcpreply $vc.nick TIME janCOk i tuku Jam Dewe CoK JO Takok ae..
if (FINGER == $1) .ctcpreply $vc.nick FINGER Finger yer mom.
.timer.CR 1 5 vc.void
echo $color(ctcp) -a $+([,$vc.nick $vc.chan,]) $1-

;Someone said I should make a dialog and a popup, well there you go.

menu menubar {

dialog vchanger {
title "Change your version reply [/cversion]"
size -1 -1 448 130
radio "or choose one from the list : ", 1, 8 48 146 18
combo 2, 9 67 432 123, size drop
radio "Type your version reply :", 3, 8 7 146 14
edit $new-version-reply, 4, 8 24 431 23, autohs
button "Add", 5, 9 99 50 22
button "Del", 6, 58 99 50 22
check "Random reply", 7, 121 102 93 15
check "Menubar popup", 8, 215 102 93 15
button "OK", 99, 369 98 70 24, ok

on *:DIALOG:vchanger:*:*: {
if ($devent == init) {
if ($vchanger.s(myown)) did -c $dname 3
else { did -c $dname 1 }
if ($vchanger.s(random)) did -c $dname 7
if ($vchanger.s(popup)) did -c $dname 8
loadbuf -o $dname 2 $+(",$scriptdiraIRCversions.txt,")
did -c $dname 2 1
else {
if ($did == 3) vchanger.s myown 1
if ($did == 7) vchanger.s random $did($dname,$did).state
if ($did == 8) vchanger.s popup $did($dname,$did).state
elseif ($did == 1) { vchanger.s myown 0 }
if ($did == 99) vchanger.s -s
if ($did($dname,1).state == 1) {
vchanger.s version $did($dname,2).text }
else { vchanger.s version $did($dname,4).text }
if ($did == 5) && ($devent = sclick) {
write $+(",$scriptdiraIRCversions.txt,") $did($dname,4)
did -r $dname 2
loadbuf -o $dname 2 $+(",$scriptdiraIRCversions.txt,")
did -c $dname 2 1
elseif ($did == 6) && ($devent = sclick) {
var %tmp = $read($+(",$scriptdiraIRCversions.txt,"), s, $did($dname,2)) | write $+(-dl,$readn) $+(",$scriptdiraIRCversions.txt,")
did -r $dname 2
loadbuf -o $dname 2 $+(",$scriptdiraIRCversions.txt,")
did -c $dname 2 1
;The end. Oh, forgot the /cversion alias ;)
alias cversion dialog -ma vchanger vchanger

dengan script ini.. kita bisa set version MIRC kita semau kita.. kalo mau ganti hanya ganti --> alias my-new-version-reply return Jedirc v1.0 on (NokiaN97-1/5.0737.3.0.1 ) <-- mulai jedirc dst itu diganti sesuka hati teman-teman

cari kata kata itu di atas

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